In 3 maanden tijd naar een juicy leven!
Ik moet op een bepaalde manier er uitzien, zijn en mij gedragen
I'm not in love with my vulva/breasts/hips/hair/...
I'm stuck in the GO-GO-GO-mode
Ik vind mijzelf of ander vrouwen vrouwen te veel/te sexy/te mooi/te uitgesproken/te zacht/...
I'm not able to orgasm (again)
Ik heb controle nodig
Ik leef het 'juiste' verhaal, maar het voelt niet juicy
I feel disconnected from my sensuality and juiciness
Ik heb moeite om te ontspannen, me over te geven en te genieten
The self-critical voice in my head takes up way to much space
Do you recognise any?
I don't feel connected to all parts of my body
Ik ben niet zeker over mijzelf/gebieden in mijn leven
Ik communiceer niet wat ik ècht zou willen
Ik weet niet zeker wat me fysiek/algemeen in het leven opwindt
I'm holding back from showing my sensuality/softness, inside and outside of the bedroom
I'm acting small.
I know there is more to life for me, but I'm not able to enter it.
Ik ben eerst gefocust op de behoeften van anderen
I've complaints related to my menstrual cycle/sexuality

...fall in love with your unique body
…live in flow with your cyclical nature
...be filled with self-confidence
...be free in expressing your feminine
...optimize your enjoyment in life
…connect deeper with your sensuality and juiciness
...find a balance between rest and action
…clear blockages and letting the river of life fully flow through you
…connect to your pelvic power in a deeper way
…upgrade your sexlife
…connection deeper with your sexuality and sexual energy
…connect deeper with your intuition
…radiate from within
...live a juicy life!
Empower je vrouwelijkheid &

De Oh My Juice-reis
Friday 3rd of February 2023
On this 3-month-long tailor made journey you'll reconnect to your juice. We'll have 6 1:1 sessions to focus on your personal process and really connect to your personal desires.
Expect practical body based techniques from my educations in taotantric arts for women, psychosomatic physiotherapy, yonishakti yoga and psychomotricity. It will give you the depth to integrate the teachings into your life and will help you break blockages. Also, this tailor made guidance will be very benifical if you have specific complaints.
In the weekly check-in, practices, meditations and teachings, I’ll share practices and knowledge about: heart-womb connection, pussy power, softness, energy practices, cyclical awareness, sensuality... just to name a few.
Your 3-month-long journey will take place in a safe space with a small group of women, where we connect with during 3 live women circles. So you can bennefit from the powerful and nourishing energy of women coming together!
In our online temple you’ll be able to share your process with your juice sisters. Also, to connect deeper with your cycle, you’ll be able to track your energy levels and juices on a day-to-day basis.
All will be available in an easy to use app. The women circles will be available for replay during our journey so you’ll not miss a thing.
Sometimes our body calls us for a journey inwards in the form of complaints or we feel a pull, a YES..

Jetske Tuinstra
Many, many, many times I wanted to scream :
This is not just for me, but for everyone to experience and know!
​​So many beautiful things shifted as I dived deeper into my own femininity. I can say I live a juicy life now.
In 'Oh My Juice!' I share my embodied knowledge with you. To guide you back to your nature, your beautiful body and being. Teach you how to flow with her and how you can find and live your juice!
Oh My Juice!
Persoonlijk traject van 3 maanden
online 1 uur Connection Call
6x online 1:1 sessies (45 min)
wekelijkse video & audio met nieuwe oefeningen, meditaties en info -
wekelijks persoonlijke check-in via de mail
3 live vrouwencircles (replay beschikbaar)
contact met ander vrouwen op dezelfde reis
reactie op jouw bericht binnen 48 uur (op werkdagen & non-bleeding dagen)
gebruiksvriendelijke app
Ik werk zowel Nederlands als Engelstalig. De groepssessies zullen - afhankelijke van deelneemsters - Engelstalig zijn.
1100 euro*
*inclusief BTW
Only 8 spots available!
Start 3/2/2023
Yes! I'm ready for more juice in my life!
Are you not looking for in depth personal guidance?
But you want access to the juice?
Oh My Juice! Light
Je reis van 3 maanden bevat
wekelijkse video & audio met nieuwe oefeningen, meditaties en info
wekelijks persoonlijke check-in met mij per mail
3 maanden toegang tot de online tempel
maak contact met vrouwen op dezelfde reis
eenvoudig te gebruiken app
333 euro*
*21% BTW inbegrepen
Available from 3/2/2023
Are you:
- a woman?
- that fully wants to connect to her body?
- that want to connect deeper to her sensuality?
- and her pelvic power?
- do you want to live in flow with your cyclical nature?
- and radiate from within?
- do you want to live a juicy life?
Neem de eerste stap en neem contact met mij op!
You want to find some juice at your own?
Maybe this is something for you ;)
Boek een Connection Call
Om jouw verlang te bespreken, ervoor te zorgen dat ik je kan begeleiden en dat we samen matchen