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The path I am taking is one of experience. Feel, feel, feel. So much tasting and refined exploration that your head goes crazy. In the world of experience, logic is lacking. It is often literally impossible to follow until the 'aha!'.


In my feelings I follow what my inner world says 'yes' to, what flows, what pulls. It is the way to stay true to my truth, and to attune my inner and outer world.


It has become increasingly refined over time: knowing what is true for me and acting on it.

Perceiving truth, that which is 'correct' and living according to it, that is what I also invite others to do.

Encountering your truth connects you to the greatness of your essence. The purest part of your being – truly being you! – is expressed. You are here to live your best life. To shine unfiltered and create your life. What your heaven on earth looks like is different for everyone. But one thing is clear: we are so much more beautiful than we often experience and show. By encountering ourselves in this softness and purity, we can also be loving with our environment. Our protection and hardness melts. And then the river of love flows, of enjoying life, of our being.


This surrender brings contentment, peace, success, satisfaction, wealth. The ultimate relaxation and freedom. It brings what you deeply desire. A homecoming, an exhalation. The deep knowledge that you are welcome and supported. There you can relax and follow your 'yes', your truth. Because that is what nature, life, the universe, God or Goddess wants to bring you most: an endless flow of love. Charm you for your being and fill your heart. Life can and should be this beautiful!


When we cannot surrender to the flow of life, stagnation occurs. The flow stops. And just like standing water, it rots. It dies until there is room again for the new, which is in tune with the natural flow of love. Your body is your tangible earthly nature and navigates you within it. Like a compass of feeling, it tells you whether the flow is stagnant or whether you are exactly right. Sometimes by whispering and sometimes by shouting loudly.


Fascinated to understand this principle of embodied transformation, I have followed several courses. For example, I worked as a psychosomatic physiotherapist as an expert for chronic and often misunderstood complaints. I gained experience as a psychomotor therapist, where behavioral change is initiated through experience and movement. As a mindfulness trainer and yoga therapist, I guided people to the subtler layers of their inner world. And in Ecstatic Dance I found a beautiful way to create the flow in my body and connect with my essence. So I hosted ceremonies of this intuitive dance form.


Diving into my own body, I did training from a medical and holistic perspective to better understand femininity and the female pelvis. I studied Taoism and Tantra, to work with the energetic and spiritual level in addition to the mental and physical level.


In my work I guide you to your heaven on earth. In it I create a field of experience in which you remember your essence through your body. Making you re-member this purity, beauty and gentle strength is for me the most beautiful thing there is. In myself, in my outside world and in you.

Please take a look at my offer to see how you can get a taste of me and my work.

With love,


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