When the flow stagnates in your body and your life, the flame of your life fire is dimmed. The energy becomes more viscous, it stagnates. This resistance often manifests itself in pain. Pain in your body, your heart, your soul. It can feel like you are literally moving through thick mud. It is a standstill, a rotting death, which is at odds with life.
Of course that is not the intention! Longing for liberation, knowing that there is more, we seek out life. There is more space and fun to experience! Our deepest being wants to radiate into the world. Moving with life. Meeting fully and being completely present. Move in line with head, heart and pelvis. Dancing on the waves of the flow of life. Carried by love.

Attuned to your being, your life journey and your desire, I offer you a place to meet your truth and from there move from stagnation to flow. I invite you to transformation: to soften, open, feel, move. We go on safari into your inner world and descend to where you remember your essence. With your beautiful body as a sacred navigation tool, we meet the places that are stuck and begging for release.
Only you know from within what your truth is. In the center, the place where your outer and inner worlds meet, lies your own wisdom. When you connect with that, your light of consciousness shines on the meaning and nonsense in your life. Together we go on an adventure to your meaning. Understanding yourself and letting go of old ways creates space. Space for new choices and creating your favorite life path.
During our journey we work with what your body indicates and where you are in your journey of feeling and awareness. This can, for example, lead to meditation, visualization, touch and/or movement. In addition to concrete and practical tools, I teach you from your experience how you can move with the natural flow of evolution. Tools for life, through your body.
Complaints never simply arise. There is always a story behind the inbalance and stagnation.
In my role as an expert in chronic and unexplained complaints, I have often experienced the miracle of the body's self-healing ability. From wheelchair to hopping, from facial paralysis to a big smile and from a hand that wouldn't stop shaking to full grip again.
By lowering the (often unconscious) pressure in the inner world, the nervous system is brought back into balance. Major and minor complaints are cleared up in your body and in your life.
The most stagnation in our body is usually found in our pelvis. The pelvis is not only the place of physical creation, but also the place where our fire for life is found. It is literally the place to enjoy life.
When you are full of enjoyment for lifes experience, you become the party itself!

General pain, tension, misery, discomfort, fear, fatigue, over- and/or under-sensitivity.
Your body/life/yourself not being grounded. Boundaries and wishes are not clear.
Generally enjoying your body and your life less
Long-term and/or recurring back/neck/shoulder/… complaints
General dysregulation in the nervous system (such as in functional neurological disorder)
Stagnation in the pelvis manifests itself in, among other things:
Menstrual complaints (PMS, PCOS, PMDD, endometriosis, irregular cycle)
No desire for sex, reduced libido, over/under sensitivity, pain, no orgasms
Intestinal complaints (irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, diarrhea, hemorrhoids)
Incontinence, prolapses
Difficulty with conception​​​
You are full of zest for life and follow your meaning, your pleasure
You enjoy the flow and transformation that life brings and approach it with pleasure, playfulness and humor
You embrace pain and pleasure in life
You see the nonsense and can easily transform it into your meaning
You live your truth. Are close to yourself. You trust yourself and have clarity in direction, boundaries and desires.
You feel free, loving, light and soft
You sail on complete peace, satisfaction and deep confidence​

Our journey is only satisfying if it shows impactful change in you and your life. That's why I offer monthly programs, so that you have time to make your insights tangible and live them. In addition to the number of agreed sessions, I am standby to watch with you and provide guidance via email and/or app. The sessions of approximately 50 minutes take place online or in the practice in Amsterdam.
Depending on the form of our sessions and your agreements with your health insurance compagny, you can receive a refund of the costs.
Because of my own journey and experience in a woman's body, my work focuses mainly on women. However, dancing on the waves of life is of course not just for women! That is why my 1:1 guidance is also open to men or people who do not identify as women or men.
Want to investigate whether we both have a 'yes' for a trip of a lifetime?
What is the difference between therapy and coaching?​
In a therapy session we explicitly work on solving your complaints as in coaching we focus on living your potential.
I don't identify as a woman. Is this for me?
Yes, I work with men, women and people with a different genderidentity. Embodiment of feminine qualities like sensitivity, softness, intuïtion and reconnecting with the natural cycle of life is for every body. We all are trained to live in our minds and approach life from that perspective. Feminine embodiment therapy & coaching supports you to fully open up to all layers in life.
Do I need therapy or coaching?
The line between therapy and coaching can be very thin. In our first session we discuss what form suits best according to your desires.
What are the costs?
The duration of the sessions is 50 minutes en take place in the practice in Amsterdam or online.
Coaching/therapy session €110 (21%​ BTW)​
For a personal made journey, there are different costs involved. Together we decide which form is most suitable with your desire.
Can I book a single session instead of a longer journey?
Yes, that is possible. In my experience, a longer period of working together brings the most result and therefore satisfaction for both parties. That's why booking single sessions is limited. Together we decide which form is most suitable in your situation.
With what type of complaints can you help me?
Complaints that exist of a longer period of time or keep coming back. A stagnation in your system can express itself in many forms. For example:
General pain, tension, suffering, disease, anxiety, fatigue, hypersensitivity of numbness
Not being grounded in your body or your life. Boundaries and desires are unclear.
General lack of enjoyment in your body and your life.
Long term and/or recurring back/neck/shoulder/... pain
General dysregulation of your nerve system (like functional neurologic disorder).
Stagnation in the pelvis expresses itself, for example in:
Menstrual problems (PMS, PCOS, PMDD, endometriosis, irregular/absent cycle).
No desire for sex, vaginal dryness, hyper sensitivity or numbness, pain, no (vaginal) orgasms.
Bowel complaints (irritable bowel syndrome, bloaty stumach, stumach pain, obstipation and diarrhea).
Incontinence, prolapse.
Difficulties with conception.
What type of complaints are not suitable?
If you suffer from acute or medical technical complaints. In that case, I'll connect you - if possible - to the right professional.

​Yes! It's done.
The time has come for more. Swimming laps in the small ponds is over. You know there is a sea waiting for you!
Bring on the honesty; it's time to banish all nonsense from your life and make room for zest for life.
You already know a lot, feel a lot, and long for a loving hand that takes you to the place of more: more meaning, more experience, more truth, more you.
You like investing in your gold.
It's time to share it. To share with yourself and radiate nourishment into the world.
You are heaven on earth. Time to live it.